This canvas is very large and very old. I painted it many, many years ago, and was a self portrait. I was inspired when I went to an art gallery that had a special exhibition by Charles M Schulz, the illustrator of Peanuts (Snoopy). There were beautiful big canvases of each of the characters, Big over sized heads (although theirs had no body). These were not created by Schulz, and I've not been able to find the artist since. I was immediately obsessed with them and could not take my eyes off them! It triggered my creative juices to flow and I was inspired go home and paint this. It has remained my favourite to this day and still hangs on my wall. This was the first (of many) large canvases that I then began to paint. It was made using a variety of mediums, whatever I had and was the right colour. Acrylics, gouache, oil pastels and anything else. 

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